Warmachine: Protectorate Light Warjack Dervish/Devout/Purifier
Faith alone is insufficient to protect the faithful. Thus, the Devout was built to guard the Protectorate’s leaders from heretics and engraved with holy inscriptions to protect its controller from accursed magic. The Dervish, on the other hand, is a divinely inspired weapon that uses its chassis’ unparalleled reflexes wholly for offense. The Purifier, crafted as a literal interpretation of wrathful scripture, has a singular drive to eradicate unbelief through the cleansing fires of the Creator.
The Dervish brings exceptional mobility thanks to its two initial melee attacks and Side Step. The Devout provides excellent defensive tech with its Defensive Strike, Spell Barrier and Shield Guard abilities. The all-new Purifier delivers the fires of Menoth straight to its foes thanks to Flame Trail and its twin flaming Immolator flails.Â