The Black Manse
The Black Manse is a gothic horror adventure in the classic style, written for any fantastic roleplaying game of your choosing. Experience a night of unholy terror!
“Long ago, the Gungish Papacy decided to war with Hell. In their hubris, they were rebuffed, thousands of zealot paladins routed from the infernal planes to be reviled for their smoking wounds and sin-mutated limbs once they returned to the surface. Some weren’t lucky enough to leave. One of them clawed his way back to the land of the living, armor soot-black and fused to his not-quite-mortal flesh. The Arch-Vicar ‘rewarded’ him, relegating him to a tract of cold woods and stark hills in the far reaches of the Empire, to rule over this rambling mess of rooms and halls for evermore.”
The newest creation from the twisted mind of Micah Anderson. Enter the demesne of a hellish anti-paladin and uncover his plans for world domination. Steal dread tomes full of eldritch knowledge. Destroy a cult dedicated to burrowing through the worlds–or join them!