Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Ironfang Invasion Poster Map Folio
Visit the wonders of nature and stone! These huge, lavishly illustrated poster maps display key locations from the Ironfang Invasion Adventure Path. A lovingly-rendered artistic map of southern Nirmathas and the Fangwood Forest depicts the campaign area and brings a rugged fantasy location to colorful life, a second map details the underground dwarven city of Kraggodan, where the players seek allies and precious lore. The final poster depicts the otherworldly Vault of the Onyx Citadel, a fantastic realm secreted away from the world behind colossal stone walls and home to bizarre and alien beasts. Whether you need a rugged wilderness, a city stronghold, or a cavern or valley lost to the world, these beautiful maps are the perfect resources for the Ironfang Invasion Adventure Path or any fantasy campaign.