NARC is in-depth third-person action/shooter gaming where you’ll live out theintense action of your favorite cop movies. Control two characters as they goafter the world’s biggest international drug cartel. Use your arsenal of weaponsand your hand-to-hand bat skills to clean up the world’s crime-riddendrug-infested streets. Experience the ugly reality of urban grittiness as youtravel from the US to Eastern Europe and Hong Kong and see drug-infested citiesup close.Product Features You need the right tools to take out the garbage — everything from revolvers and shotguns to flamethrowers grenades and rocket launchers Increase your score and solve mysteries by busting criminals as getting information from them Choose your path – Be a good cop and take down the bad guys or be the bad cop and make deals with the crooks Earn respect on the streets as you chase your man – Catch car thieves bag-snatchers vandals and low-level dealers Realistic unarmed bat with authentic street-fighting moves.